Online Dynamic Network solver

Davide A. Cucci

With the collaboration and support of

Jan Skaloud

Geodetic Engineering Laboratory (TOPO)
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

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| dn rev: 59eb579 | ROAMFREE rev: 3abac19 | built on 07-04-2024 15:27:38 |


A single .zip file containing all input files must be provided below.

                Files interpred in Global (WGS84) coordinate system by default. If data is expressed in 'Local' frame, please change corresponding setting under 'Processing options'

System configuration (optional)

A saved configuration can be restored providing a file below.


Coordinate System (In/Out)

Depending on input data, select if either local or global frame should be used for fusion.
Warning: only use 'Local' when fusing low quality IMU

IMU pre-integration

Number of IMU epochs to pre-integrate

Trajectory initialization

If an initial guess for the trajectory is not provided, the orientation of the body frame with respect to the vehicle should be provided.
Initial guess provided, automatic initialization disabled.

Lever arm (body -> Antenna, i.e., Antennab)

Lever arm uncertainty

Precision (1-sigma)

Precision provided in the input file

Usefull for terrestrial & indoor applications with drifting position estimation (e.g. visual odometry)

Lever arm (body -> IMU, i.e., IMUb)

Lever arm uncertainty

Boresight (RbIMU) [unit quaternion]

Boresight uncertainty


White Noise
First order Gauss-Markov 1
First order Gauss-Markov 2
First order Gauss-Markov 3


White Noise
First order Gauss-Markov 1
First order Gauss-Markov 2
First order Gauss-Markov 3

Lever arm (body -> Camera, i.e., Camerab)

Lever arm uncertainty

Boresight (RbCamera) [unit quaternion]

Boresight uncertainty

Intrinsic camera calibration

Intrinsic camera calibration uncertainty

Lens distortion

Lens distortion uncertainty

Image measurements precision (1-sigma)

Ground Control Points (selected) / Checkpoints

Selectd rows in the table below will be used as GCPs.

Image precision (1-sigma)

Precision on ground (1-sigma)

Tie Points data not provided

Lever arm (body -> LiDAR, i.e., LiDARb)

Lever arm uncertainty

Boresight (RbLiDAR) [unit quaternion]

Boresight uncertainty


Usefull when point cloud GSD is large or outliers remain in the set of correspondences

Lidar data not provided

Input status


Time selection


Run the processing

Processing status


DN output